How proud i am of the coarse pads on my left hand finger tips. I'm learning guitar - much to my sisters annoyance, because i'm using her electric. Well, it's not like she's played it in 5 years. I've taught myself 'That's Amore' and 'Sweet Home California'. Tis fun fun. I'm not really progressing...it's so annoying...no matter how many times i play the tunes, i always seem to make the same mistakes.
Guitar sounds so good with drums though...listening to 'stairway to heaven' at the moment.
oh yeah. Merry Christmas. Forgot.
Nanna and Gramps have spent the day with us. Haven't really done much...sat and talked about the good old days, how fast technology progresses and the oppression of women in the Middle East. An assortment of matter, if anything. Took a refreshing walk to the lake nearby, then came home for the Christmas turkey.
haha, it was so funny...we downloaded the photos from their camera on this computer. During the walk, they had lended it to me, so i could take some shots of my own. We were flicking through them, and when we reached one of mine Nanna exclaimed
'good grief, i don't know what i was trying to get there'.
hilarious. is it really that bad?
yeah...yeah i guess it is.

HAHAHAAaaaa....I'm watching this clip 'sweet child o mine' by Guns and Roses on youtube.com. Song's alright, but the singer's dancing style is only marginally better than my own.

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