I wish there were some way to get drunk without all the nasty side effects.
i.e. Minus the
1. hangover the next morning
2. the embarrassing antics and confessions
3. the loss of brain cells and deterioration of the liver
4. the lack of co-ordination, reflexes
5. the slurred speech and the odourous breath
6. potential of death
Cause i think i'd like the sensation. Same with drugs. Which is why i never intend to either drink or take drugs. Hah, when it all boils down to it, perhaps the crux of my abstinence decision lies in the fact i simply would not trust myself with either. You know, you sip some wine from your pater's glass one night, and the next night you're singing 'row row row your boat' down in the gutter, slogging down another Guinness, getting totally wasted together with the midget from the circus who was fired because he wasn't freakish enough, while passers by purse their lips and drag their curious children to the other side of the road.

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