I am flabbergasted! I agog with amazement that knows no dimensions! I am slightly horrified! I am sniggering indecently! I am expressing a lot more amazement than I am actually feeling! In fact right now, i have a totally blank face and drooping reptilian eyes! It's amazing what the ! key can offer to your typographical attitude!

Has this man been castrated? Because YES, he is a man (or close enough to it); he's SEVENTEEN, you heard me SEVENTEEN, i'll say it again so it sinks in annoyingly deep: SEVENTEEN!

Don't worry, he's famous, its my perogative as a brain dead and media-drenched citizen to insult him. He's Charlie- you know, from the Chocolate Factory.

I really hope they're running full steam ahead on HP production (the book and my life, not the sauce). I mean seriously, look at Draco now:

The producers are going to blow their budget on make-up artists to make 'em look their fictional age.

Oh my gosh! Rupert Grint was in a film called 'driving lessons' released in '07'! And people described his character as 'flat' and 'dull'! That's so sad :(

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