My god. I am geniuinely appalled. Another inane website has cropped up, christianed "Twitter". I centres on the egotistical assumption that everybody in the world is panting to know the trivial details of your life in verb form.
I'm so happy right now...i don't know why...i just smile despairingly...
No joyous element should be cartwheeling and sparking in my being however. We have a unseen lit essay tomorrow and a chem task. And we'll probably be getting our marks back for other tests, which is even more terrifying to contemplate.
Maybe it's because of a shift in the weather. That always makes me excited, no matter how dull the result of the transition is. I mean, we're on the doomy path towards winter for gods sake.
I don't think i'd survive in a cold climate. Well, i'm sure i would physically adapt, but the frigid atmosphere seems to cast a weary pallour over my psychological state.

euurghurglespatspat. Stop temporising kate! Onward! Mush like you've never mushed before!

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