The Return of the Bedraggled Biology Student

We came.
We didn't conquer.
We ran back to our comfortable cozies.

= a summary of my biology camp. You know me- i ain't one for camps. Being one with the wilderness is something that i will never be able to do. But, suprisingly, it wasn't as bad as it could have been. In fact, i would say it was even a rather enjoyable experience- that is, until Mrs England sprang the trap on Wednesday night. That day, we had collected a whole heap of data on plant diversity and distribution and the quality of soil in two communities. There we were, bone-weary from trudging through mud and swimming through shrubbery when BOOM, we learned we had to write up an entire report (which is just a scientific word for essay) on our investigation. Brilliant. What's more, we had to do it THAT NIGHT. I rambled so much it wasn't funny, recycling the same sentence over and over and over and over again. BOO.

I'm so glad to be home. I went straight to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

oh, and a rather pleasant coming-home surprise. I won half a thousand buckaroos in a painting comp! rather stunned. I think it's just because not a lot of people entered...Still, i ain't complaining!

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