ooh, sitting in the house all by my lonesome. Mum's gone out to see some random play (no thanks mum) and sis...well, i don't know where she is. Probably off on a bike ride or something.

History was a lesson of humiliation. You wouldn't think you could embarrass yourself when for the full 55 minutes the class is watching a documentary. But no, kate, you just had to fling yourself into the cesspool of shame. See, the documentary was on how people were affected Nazi Germany. Most of it was told by survivors of the time, old men and women with the past in their eyes. After about half an hour, the sheer despair just became too much for me and i couldn't stop the tears from sliding down my face. I'm not embarrassed so much about that... i mean i hardly see how any one couldn't weep for the shame of what we humans have done to each other. omg, Jenny made me feel so angry. There was this old man on the screen, and he was weeping with grief at a memory of when he was a boy. The Nazi's were on a killing spree, going to villages and literally massacring all of their Jewish residents. In the man's town, the poeple were asked to take their clothes off and line up outside.
"I thought; this is it. We are actually going to die," the man sobbed.
"But my father said, 'you will survive. You will live to tell others the truth of this. And then he pushed me, so i fell on the bodies surrounding me." His father then lay on top of him, protecting him from the spray of bullets. Taking them himself. He was making it look like his son was dead. He was saving him.
Halfway through the story, when you could hear the pain in the man's voice, see it in his eyes, Jenny imitated his sobs. I can't say anything that matches my fury at that moment.

well, i kind of diverged there. The reason i was humiliated was because a neverending stream of phlegm came with my tears. And i had no tissues. So i tried to solve the crisis by sniffing, and that was terribly conspicuous. I thought about asking to go out to the bathroom, but i contemplated people might think i was so overcome with emotion that i just had to escape or something. And so i opted for the worst possible choice. I wiped my nose on the sleeve of my jumper. It stemmed the flow for around a second, but then another nasal tide came. By the end of the documentary, my sleeve was almost soggy from phlegm. god. I am disgusting. Nice one Kate.
You really didn't need to know that, did you?

1 comment:

Sam T said...

people like jenny need to dig a hole and die in it.