My eyeballs are drying out from sitting too close to the heater. Should i switch it off?
1. it contributes to green house gases
2. it weighs down the envelope in the mail containing bills
3. as stated, tis drying out my eyeballs
1. i'm cold
2. i'm lazy
3. i'm too planet-inconsiderate to care at the moment
4. my eyeballs can take it

well well, it looks like we have a winner. The heater stays on.

hahhhhh. I have thus far done no homework. *GROAN* can't wait til, til, til.....god, the way i'm going, i'll finish that sentence with 'the end of my life'. We spend our lives endlessly waiting.

Jasmine and Sophie's birthday today! hope they had a good one. Because of my mum's fracture, they're driving me to school on some days. So nice of their mum to go out of her way- i feel a little guilty. 'specially since petrol is so expensive nowadays. I feel like i should be paying a fare or something.

well, that's it for today. Cannot seem to pump any cocaine into this post to make it high, exciting or even a good excuse to pass the time.


"When a man tells you that he got rich through hard work, ask him: 'Whose ?' "- Don Marquis .

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