Isn't it nice to smile at someone, just because? It's strange to think how this stretching of the lips, this baring of teeth, this contraction of cheek muscles can mean so much.

Well, finished that book "1984". I couldn't put it down. I'm onto a new one which is also very good- called "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck. I love the imagery. It's true, you know, what the teacher's say. A reader is just as much a part in the journey of the story as the author. You have to commit yourself if you want to get the full 'juice' out of the book. There shouldn't be such thing as half hearted reading, i've realised. I've been doing that lately, letting my imagination go to rust. Reading the words and not seeing them. Isn't it just amazing how these detailed images can be fabricated in the minds eyes through type on a page? I'm sorry, i'm just fascinated by everything at the moment. I'm so glad that fascination doesn't decrease with age. There is always something new, something to be learned, something to wonder at. Brilliant, eh? I just wish these fascinating things weren't force fed to us, because it just seems to be a natural instinct to choke on them, and want to spit them out.

ah, i have countless little axioms on the peevish nature of learning don't I?

God, there is something so admirable about Oscar Wilde. He's such an arrogant bastard, but i can't help but smile when i read him. He is the wittiest of the witty, and he knows it. I really should get around to reading a novel or play of his...

I was rather stupid yesterday. Well, at least, i can articulate this moment of stupidity. You see, i looked down at this keyboard and was horrified. White particles lined the crevies between e and r and i and o and every other letter. A sea of cells, which plunged over the canyon to fester spitefully. So, on a brainless urge, i took up the keyboard and started banging it on the desk. I could actually see the particles floating down. I swept the grime off onto the carpet (hey, it's a light color, no one would notice) and proceeded bashing the thing with a renewed vigour, born of a curious mix of fascination and disgust. Then...
"Kate! Kate! What ARE you doing??"
"um...it was dirty" i stammered.
"You DON'T do that! You could break the thing! And when the computer's running too!"
I squirmed with humiliation in my seat. oops. Even after that loud episode i was still caught by the desire to continue bashing the damn thing. I'm like one of those people, who, once they find a loose thread on their jumper, can't resist in pulling it until i haven't a thread left on me. Bubblewrap, too. Give me some bubblewrap and i'll pop those little buggers until there isn't an air pocket left. Meaningless, brainless tasks take up so much of my time.

Oh! Have you recently visited www.freerice.com ? The site's upgraded! There's all these new sections! Like geography and languages and grammar and art! cool eh? I now know that Montevideo is the capital of Uruguay. Yeah yeah, i know you already knew that, you geographically endowed freak.

gotta go, Margaret and David are on!!!!! They're so cool!!!

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