And so she realises, only too late that her bloggie was faithful to her after all.

You see, i have reasoned with myself that perhaps my current literary paralysis has stemmed from the evaporation of my personal voice. When i don't write here, i won't write anywhere. So, through what i think is pretty cogent reasoning, i have convinced myself that, as long as i keep this blog running along rational lines for the time being, it will enhance my performance in exams.

Yup, that's all it really comes down to. Kate's getting paranoid again, 'thinking too precisely on it'..."and thus the native hue of resolution is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought".

Success! i have completed my lit study for the day through remmebering that one quote!

*heaves a sigh and then returns to the plodding path of study*

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