The Scientist operates on Harry Potter and a Bacteria's Flagella

Three down! Four to go!
Oh how coincidental! Coldplay's The Scientist is playing right now...

Nobody said it was easy [well...i guess they kind of did]
No one ever said it would be this hard...[i like the shift from 'nobody' to 'no one'. Adds interest]
oh take me back to the start...[of the year]

One can pretty much align themselves with any trace of melancholy during such times. But i shall not dwell in this grey little closet...(the closet is metaphorical by the way. I'm not actually shut in a closet right now. That would be weird, and i dissuade such a practice to all those chronic closet-dwellers out there)

Instead, i shall revel in the fruits of my glory! No, i'm not talking about exams (a shudder runs through her). No indeed. Instead, i wish to bring to your attention a certain achievement of mine; something i have been struggling with for nigh on 8 years.
I have finally persuaded my father to read Harry Potter.
*does a jig* :) :)
Enter the portal to yesterday.....*time warp*
Kate: "So. What have you done today dad?"
Dad (grimaces, with his fractured ankle resting on a pillow): nothing.
Kate: well. It just so happens i have a job for you. I believe it shall achieve mutual satisfaction.
She stalks off with a very smug expression on her face.
Dad (nervously): oh yes? (waits) what's that behind your back?
Kate brings The Philosopher's Stone forward with a flourish.
Kate: You have no excuse now!
Dad limps away hurriedly,
Kate: You can run but you can't hide!!! You have to!!!

Hah! He's HALFWAY THROUGH already.

I know, i know. String me up on a cross and burn me/whip me with a giant bacteria's flagella/bonk me on the head repeatedly with a crusty sponge. (i'd prefer the sponge. just so's you know).
I should be studying right now. Not even halfway through. But this wave of apathy has percolated my very being...the pen weighs heavily in my hand...

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