Sitting in this new study is rather pleasant. It looks out into the garden; well, actually my view is dominated by two rather Braquian looking sheds, but there are a few trees here and there to make this vista more organic. So i'm happy. Oh! and two little birds just swooped by. One lands on a overhanging branch, and cocks its head this way and that. How picturesque.

While at this moment, my writing would belie an innate contentedness, content, by dear bloggie is pretty much the last emotion i'm experiencing. The relief of completing yesterdays exam has long worn away, and is replaced by the weighty realisation that it sure ain't over yet. This course has more hurdles, this path has more annoying little brambles that we are forced to step on; we have yet more circles of hell to pass through before we can reach the heaven of holidays. No! Must refrain from fantasizing!

So. Lit study. I had better get to it i spose. *quotes from multiple movies pop into her head all at once*

Lord of the Rings (frodo): I can't do this Sam!
Holes: if only, if only the woodpecker sighs
Ice Age: (scrat) just a long, drawn out wail

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