I watched bambi on youtube.com last night. Such a formiddable hunk of storyline had escaped my memory, and the rush which came with those grey areas of the brain flaring up again was bliss. The music! i've had that tune drip drip drop little april shower in my head all day. I have to say the character who i recalled most fondly was owl. He's so moody and expressive, it makes me smile. Bambi was i suppose endearing, but there was too many repetitions of foolish frolics followed by the clumsy slip, and then the innocent blinking of his large, bewildered eyes. It started to get just a mite tedious. This trivial fault-finding is very captious of me, but i'm just saying. At first i thought the skunk was going to turn out gay because he had such a high voice and blushed when bambi called him a 'purty flower'. I suppose such a theme running through a kids movie in those days was unheard of. Don't get it much now either. The general consensus, if it was taken, i predict would be that the promulgation of sexual ambiguity would mess up the mechanics of those tender buds. I wonder if gay-rights advocation will be an accepted motif in future kids films? Seems a ridiculous notion, but so did short skirts to our 19th century counterparts.

My new idol: Stephen Fry. I downloaded one of his podcasts and the man is such a resplendant example of one who can blend supreme intelligence and humour. You should listen to him- particularly 'bored of the dance'. Well, i can't really say particularly because i've only heard one, but, well, you know what i mean.

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