When you think, when you meditate, when you ruminate, cogitate, ponder, mull over something, hypothesize, imgaine, theorise, reflect, deliberate, muse, contemplate or consider...does your thought pattern emerge as as a coherent stream of words? Does your style of thought pivot on images, or simply intuitive reasoning? Naturally, i am referring to the dominant form- we all think in numbers, pictures and words for a portion of the time.
But i suppose, to think in words, one would neccessitate another type of logic to coexist and pre-empt it. After all, you need to have some idea of where your going before your mental mouth lets loose the linear sentence. A millisecond before the sentence rings out, some mental device gives it the kiss of life, hoists it on it's feet, hands it a road map, and gives it a slap on the back for good luck.
I believe it is so neccessary for there to be some energetic score behind the spoken and the hidden thought. Some sparkle and rhythm which contravenes monotone- makes it leap, saunter, glide, zoom, catapault and stride; all at the appropriate times, of course. Try it. Give this sentence as much oomph as you can muster when reading it (avoiding ridiculous extravagance of course). When i imagine it, it's like the sentence is a wave, and your riding it out- on all the swells, ebbs, eddies and currents.

Well. That's it. I've chosen my dress. It took about ten minutes. Didn't even put a toe out of the house.
I'm wearing Amy's old dress.
Not the one she wore at her ball- just a random one. Tis black and sparkly. Black eh? How predictable. It irks me how all ball dresses have to be sleeveless. I don't really like wearing sleeveless clothing. I am not armed to be bare-armed!

Shoes next i spose. I'd like coloured shoes, but my mother pointed out it would look like two glaring spotlights moving about neath a shadow shroud.

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