meaningless gaff

So, i know you have been absolutely WRITHING with anticipation to learn how i have used up my last day of freedom (pah haha).

You have no idea how free i felt today. Because in my mind- there was no expectation. It's like; an extra day. I did no work. No study. Did not think of tomorrow. God, do you know how wonderful that is? blimey. It was like the old days. Like when i was five and i could look around and see a world just waiting to be explored...to be SEEN. Do you know what I mean? i hardly do.
But it was good. Yeah, there was a lot of love in my heart today, and i got to wondering (chuckling to myself on the train) how strangers would react if i just went up to them and hugged them. There was a show in tv once, which showed some of the best hits on youtube...one was a guy in another country who went to the city every day, took out a sign that said 'free hugs' and waited. And people, lots of people, actually, just went up to him and he hugged them. Isn't that so cute? Would you go up? Would I?

I went to see the year 12 'Perspectives' at the art gallery today. I was awestruck. So much talent! So beautiful! Gosh... Only one MLC girl got in though- Melissa Gunner, i think. twas good.
I am a little annoyed at our art programme here at MLC. Can you believe that in all my years, we have not done ONE painting with oils??????? And oils, if you are unaware, are just about the most POPULAR medium in the art world. All we do is draw with pencil and pastel. Which is all well and good......but we need to LEARN THE TECHNIQUES MAN. I mean, i hardly know HOW- and then you see what is expected of us next year...and you're like, yikes.
no, i don't want to think about next year.

Well, having sufficietly depressed myself, i am going to attempt to revive my spirits by employing myself in some more crosswords. I always seem to follow a pattern here, don't I, blogging? starting off happy chappy, and then sinking into a bottomless ooze of wet-toadiness.

QUOTES OF THE DAY: (from some random site)

Solution to two of the world's problems: Feed the homeless to the hungry.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It's just that yours is stupid.

Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling.

My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch.

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