
i'm so proud!!!!!!!

guess what?
my dad was in the paper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

he was in an article titled "Tribute to the Kindness of Strangers"

see, a couple of days back, this lady's dog got run over by a passing vehicle. It was badly injured. Dad saw the incident and offered to take the doggy to the vet. The lady wrote in to the newspaper thanking everyone (there was also a lady who drove her home or something) cause she didn't get a chance to before, really, and she didn't know their names.

:) ah! so proud!
i'm so immoral though. I mean, i was proud before, but when it gets in the paper, it's like...THIS IS BIG, man. he must be a frickin HERO to get in the paper.

ah, dearie me.


I have lots of ideas. Trouble is, most of them suck.- George Carlin

I think the worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades...or a game of fake heart attack. -- Demetri Martin

Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry. -- Bill Cosby


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sam toh said...

just checked out your profile-to leave a line, put < br > at the end of sentences. (without the spaces in between the < and the b and stuff.. u get the idea.
btw, i don't use the email u've been sending emails & stuff to. i use my msn, green t one.

xx your blog stalker