John Butler with a halo

Kate sloshed on the black pigment aroundJohn Butler's head. She spent a while greiving over his exceptionally long nose. Her attention-span waning, she stepped back from the canvas. And exploded with laughter.
'Hey!' she cried, gesturing towards it for the sake of some unknown viewer, 'it's Jesus!'
She stopped laughing suddenly. Her eyes grew wide. SHE HAD JUST ACHIEVED SPONTANEITY!!! IN ITS PUREST FORM!!! i mean, there are plenty of times when i surprise others by sudden outbursts or odd little comments which digress completely from the subject at hand, but to surprise MYSELF! this is a worthy occasion indeed!
she chortled away for the next few minutes, feeling highly satisfied (though not really knowing why exactly).

I watched the most random film last night. Dad picked it up from the DVD store. Called "phil the alien." A low budget film, with an outrageous storyline (including a talking beaver and an alien who turns into a homicidal maniac with the change of season). But it was still pretty funny. Only because it the humour was so far from the dull and predictable drollness that todays supposed 'humour' genre are inebriated with.
Margaret and David (At the Movies on ABC) gave it only one star. From the clips, it looks TERRIBLE. Justin Timberlake is an AWFUL AWFUL actor. sorry mate. We can't be good at everything you know. And some people aren't even good it anything, so you're not alone. HAHA- nah, i'm kidding. He's an ok singer.

LAST DAY! booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
i still need to do my design development...god, i've been procrastinating from that ALL BLOOMIN HOLIDAYS. haven't done ANY math either, cause my graphics is broken. yup. that's my excuse.

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