Shoved out of house (not home)

Well, it looks like we may be getting kicked out of our house soon. We were informed today- the owners have decided to put the house on the market. They're going to come at around five tomorrow and take pictures of the living areas to send to a couple in Zimbabwe. So; we have to clean this dump up before then. This study is stewn with everything you can imagine and more. I think that's a little cruel, to give us so short notice. It puts a lot of stress on mum. She wants to make the place look nice, because if the couple choose to buy it, they won't be moving in for another two years. So that buys us some time. Dad's saying he wouldn't go to so great an effort.

So crap. We look through the newspapers and see houses selling at a minimum of 1.5 million. Like we have that kind of money. I'm scared we'll end up in some dingy flat somewhere. God, my parents don't deserve that. Dad works so bloody hard, and mum...all she wants is a home. Right now i'm hating perth for their soaring house prices- god, we're almost leading the world, we're so darn expensive. I don't like this house, but i just wish we could find somewhere to settle down, some place to call our own.

yeah...it's times like this i wish we were rich. Cause it seems you have to be now....the gaps widening....You're either on top, or you're getting squished underfoot.


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