hooo. hate bio. failed. ah well. watcha gonna do.

history next- i saw mrs porter after b exam to get her to read some stuff. She was rather compassionate.
Her: "you alright about tomorrow?"
Me: "noo..i'm worried about by brain freezing up"
Her: "ah. bec does that too"
...awkward silence...
Me tentatively: "bec...?"
Her: "my daughter"
Of course. I should have known that. haha.

well. I'm hungry...exams sure do drain you. I tried berocca this morning...good...cept it makes you constantly want to pee. A definite drawback.
i sure needed a pick-me-up though. I went to bed at 11, and woke up at 3:00 and couldn't get back to sleep. GOD IT WAS SO ANNOYING. I like drifted in and out until 5:30, then overslept and woke at 7:10. grr.


The only thing we have to fear is fear itself-- Roosevelt, inauguration speech.

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