in out. in out. it's easy kate. in. and out.

breathe, kate. just breathe. asphixiation won't help anyone.

i just phoned up coles to apply for a job there at Floreat.
why did i have to stutter so?

h-h-hello. *looks down at sheet of paper in front of her* um, my name is Kate, i-i-i was just w-wondering if there is any er, er casual job opportun-opportunities available??? *a ragged breath rips through the phone*
"No, honey, i'm afraid not. Are you in university? (i was slightly flattered)
No. I'm in highschool. I'm 15.
[ i could palpably feel the air freeze. '15??? i could hear her thinking. Is she out of her friggin mind??? good luck to anyone who gets sucked into employing THAT little squirt.]
"um, no positions available. Maybe ring back in 6 weeks," the ladies voice says.
[6 weeks??? i'll be back in school by THEN. jeez"

I rang Woolworths next and they were much friendlier. i got put on hold, and found myelf TAPPING MY FOOT TO THE MUSIC before a rough voiced man told me that i should apply on the internet [basically hinting for me to stop wasting his time].

why am i doing this again??
just think of the moolah kate. the MOOlah.

hmm. actually the amount i will be earning per day will probably be wasted on lunch. sigh.

but I SHALL PERSIST!!! those bastards won't get rid of me THAT easily.

oh lordy. i'm screwed.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: (impersonation guy from u-tube doing kermity frog)

"it's not easy being green."

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