tazzie. help.


great. that's just great, ya know. The first time i have an internet connection in literally a week and none of you guys are online. all alone. i miss you guys.

if there is one thing i have learned from this trip it is...

i am so fucked up.

oh jesus. meeting my cousins was quite possibly the worst experience. ever. No. i do not think you realise. They were all laughing and happy. I could have been an unpleasant wart on auntie agathys face, judging by the times they actually looked at me. But i don't blame them...believe me. i was the most unsociable little shit and the most peeving little snob that i could hardly even believe myself. Horrible. After the visit, i spent the next hour with only two sentences running through my mind:

Kate you fuckin bastard.
What is wrong with you???
...plus excess profanity.

i have gotta go now. cause the connection costs like, 55c per bloody second.

Well, other places weren't so bad, cause we travelled around...but i just want to go home. Want to pat my tiggies, want to slump in front of the TV (ah sweet tv) want to go on the internet, want to be myself and not tense up every second and let my inhibitions get the better of me.

ness, sam. *kate smiles a small smile*

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