yes i have removed the picture.
And i will personally shave your eyebrows in your sleep, ness and el, if i ever find out that you don't remove it THIS VERY SECOND.
No, i'm serious.
Anyhoo, yesterday, was like the coolest day ever. we all had this massive water bomb fight and it was SOOOO AWESOME. apart from the fact our group (phili, el, Hayami, and i) were at a severe disadvantage, seeing as the other gang (ness, sam, eun-a and kristine) had like, 20x more balloons than us. See, we had the brilliant plan of filling up our balloons at Phili's house...cept we kinda forgot the part where we had to lug them all back. God it killed me. I had taken about two steps before i was hollering out "break time!" But the major drawback was that almost half our supply burst from the heat/people (me) being careless and swinging the buckets about because i was far too much like a goddamn sloth to give a donkey's *!#. twas SO DAMN FUN though.
we jumped in the pool after, and looked at masses of convicts doing some kind of dance to thriller, and then perved to see who's ars was the cutest out of myriad guys and girls.
he he heh!
today we had to do community service. it was all right. trecking down the treacherous and precipitous slopes of the foreshore collecting bits of rubble. such an adventure wasn't as a smorgasbourde of fun and laughter as it seems.. i know it gives the impression that we had an absolute ball, cause, how could anyone no have the time of their life picking up dirty debris for 5 hours and upturning bricks to find centipedes and lizards?
nah, i'm just pulling your leg. it really was all right.
[wow this crows just bashed into our window!! It's looking a bit confuzzled poor thing]
13 hours so far! 7 to go. joy. ehhhhhhh. stupid thang. why did it have to be introduced this year? WHY???
nummy nummy. Greenhill Galleries invited me to an exhibition...but i could not be bothered going tonight. My mum said they're just trying to leech cash from us anyway...but as if we would be able to buy any of those painting there anyway. heh! i wrote in teh reply e-mail..."something important has come up." and, as i told Ness, no, i wasn't lying...i have a very strict schedule which involves an extremely beneficial session with Mr. Couch.
Cept mum found out it was Arthur Boyd's exhibition...and i think she's going now...cause he's supposed to be some really famous Austalian artist. ah well.
Well, my entire brain's contents have been emptied into this email for i shall say goodbye.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: (Phili, after El fired a spit pip at her) heh heh heh!
thank "merlin's most baggy y-fronts" that's over. (quote kindly borrowed from Ron Weasley)
Yay! reading Harry Potter at the moment- the last book. looooooving it.
now that they're over
i do not know what to do with myself.
wow. i am so very very sad.
oh my. do you know what my sister said. i quote
"i should be at least getting two prizes at speech night."
see, a teacher told her she was getting a prize. And so, she was like telling mum with an edge of panic in her voice that she should at least be getting the Biology and Media prize.
Great caesar's wonky left eyebrow. What a smartybum.
Her: prizewinner of like a gazillion stuff.
Me in year 12: Kate? Kate who? Sorry. I know not who you are talking about.
Anyway, Sam did this really cool fake article about that 'heinous trangression' preceding term 4! awooooooo funnY!!! oops. [ feeling remarkably like Mr Weasley: "Mr Weasley gave a maniacal laugh; Mrs Weaseley threw him a look, upon which he became immediately silent and assumed an expression appropraite to the sickbed of a sick friend"] ...still funny though. nice sammie.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: (pink, 'cuz i can...i'm not a huge fan of this song..but right now it relates to my!)
"but it's all right. i don't give a damn.
i don't play your rules i make my own.
tonight i'll do what i want
cuz i can!"
Hmm. what am i going to do tonight? Ah yes! I plan to watch this movie called "dirty rotten scoundrels...m and d were watching it a couple of nights study (aka drawings of squidgey monsters) was disturbed sporadically by explosions of laughter from the other room. how unfeeling of them to enjoy themselves while i was stewing in self-pity.
by the way, i hope you guys have got the email...and i hope it works. tis called 'foxhat' AND IT IS HILARIOUS. i laughed so much my nose fell off.
thank "merlin's most baggy y-fronts" that's over. (quote kindly borrowed from Ron Weasley)
Yay! reading Harry Potter at the moment- the last book. looooooving it.
now that they're over
i do not know what to do with myself.
wow. i am so very very sad.
oh my. do you know what my sister said. i quote
"i should be at least getting two prizes at speech night."
see, a teacher told her she was getting a prize. And so, she was like telling mum with an edge of panic in her voice that she should at least be getting the Biology and Media prize.
Great caesar's wonky left eyebrow. What a smartybum.
Her: prizewinner of like a gazillion stuff.
Me in year 12: Kate? Kate who? Sorry. I know not who you are talking about.
Anyway, Sam did this really cool fake article about that 'heinous trangression' preceding term 4! awooooooo funnY!!! oops. [ feeling remarkably like Mr Weasley: "Mr Weasley gave a maniacal laugh; Mrs Weaseley threw him a look, upon which he became immediately silent and assumed an expression appropraite to the sickbed of a sick friend"] ...still funny though. nice sammie.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: (pink, 'cuz i can...i'm not a huge fan of this song..but right now it relates to my!)
"but it's all right. i don't give a damn.
i don't play your rules i make my own.
tonight i'll do what i want
cuz i can!"
Hmm. what am i going to do tonight? Ah yes! I plan to watch this movie called "dirty rotten scoundrels...m and d were watching it a couple of nights study (aka drawings of squidgey monsters) was disturbed sporadically by explosions of laughter from the other room. how unfeeling of them to enjoy themselves while i was stewing in self-pity.
by the way, i hope you guys have got the email...and i hope it works. tis called 'foxhat' AND IT IS HILARIOUS. i laughed so much my nose fell off.
"merlin's baggy y-fronts,
smartybum sis,
very very sad
hum diddly dum and a bottle o' rum

work accomplished from 1pm - 8pm. How very studious of me.
oh. what a complimentary picture, dearest. Wait a reminds me of something. It's coming...hang on...OH YES! that's right. It bears a startlingly resemblence to that bit of congealed yoghurt i found lurking at the back of our fridge.
achievements thus far

post- 11:30 Tuesday achievements.
This song is so goddam hilarious. I love the filmclip. The
end is so sad though)
"Yeeah dirtbag, no she doesn't know what she's missin
Yeeah dirtbag, no she doesn't know what she's missin
Man I feel like mold
It's prom night and I am lonely
Low and behold
She's walking over to me
This must be fake
My lip starts to shake
How does she know who I am?
And why does she give a damn about me?"
bloggie oh bloggie, where for art thou bloggie?
The blue car pulled up beside Kate, and she flopped in. silence ensued for a few moments.
"well? How'd it go?"
"um...not good."
"Kate! Don't be riduculous! Of course you did fine."
"why did you ask the question when you only expected one answer?"
"don't be so negative. "not good"" kate's mum repeated her words as though the very thought was preposterous.
"i'm not being negative. I am telling it like it is," kate replied.
The hum of the cars whizzing past on the highway.
"Turn the radio up please."
Kate's mum did so.
Hmm. I am feeling *slightly* bad. You see, yesterday, I told my sister to "fuck off. please."
Not without reason though. She's been at me all weekend, telling me how I don't need to study, and year ten exams don't mean a thing. Sure, maybe not to her anymore, and definitely not to me in the future, but right now, they rank pretty high up in the most important events in my life right now. The last thing i need is someone trying to stop me from doing the best i bloody well can; especially in such a direct form. God, i need support, not someone telling me it's all for nothing.
So last night, I snapped.
"Kate, you're being stupid," she said with this tone that exemplified the precise degree of idiocy she surmised i possessed.
"Amy! Just...fuck off. Please" [ NOTE: when i said this, i did not shout. I did not raise my voice. I merely said it with a touch of annoyance and exasperation in my voice. I do not like shouting.]
"YOU FUCK OFF!" she said loudly, clearly affronted. And i did.
When my parents got home, she immediately told them. And then she got really pissed when i didn't get 'punished', saying she always gets blamed and i get away with everything. My parents said i needed some space. But that wasn't the reason why i said what i did. We haven't spoken since...i hope it doesn't relapse into what it was before- cause that was... horrible. Like, seriously. You would not believe the level of animosity. You wouldn't recognise the hate emanating from me; nor my sister.
But enough of that. I have said too much already. I hope it doesn't seem like I'm slagging off Amy- cause i'm not. she's a nice person. Just i wish she was a little more empathetic.
I hope tomorrow goes OK. I'd better go and do something so it will go OK.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: (Augie March- just passing through)
"At ten o'clock is when I rise from my grave,
and cast my eyes over the ideas that I couldn't save,
become regret and break upon me now wave after wave,
bid me remember what I done.
When time doesn't tear you pay a fee to make it rip, the ditch witch,
the back hoe, the bobcat, the tip, soil from the hillock spilling over on that solemn lip,
it covers up the cedar mirror,
do you ever see your weakness any clearer?
We were winding up the road to the site with the windows down and the cigarettes alight,
singing some rubbish about "my soul's alright",
I didn't know what I could do...
It's just you and I and some other guy forever passing through? "
"well? How'd it go?"
"um...not good."
"Kate! Don't be riduculous! Of course you did fine."
"why did you ask the question when you only expected one answer?"
"don't be so negative. "not good"" kate's mum repeated her words as though the very thought was preposterous.
"i'm not being negative. I am telling it like it is," kate replied.
The hum of the cars whizzing past on the highway.
"Turn the radio up please."
Kate's mum did so.
Hmm. I am feeling *slightly* bad. You see, yesterday, I told my sister to "fuck off. please."
Not without reason though. She's been at me all weekend, telling me how I don't need to study, and year ten exams don't mean a thing. Sure, maybe not to her anymore, and definitely not to me in the future, but right now, they rank pretty high up in the most important events in my life right now. The last thing i need is someone trying to stop me from doing the best i bloody well can; especially in such a direct form. God, i need support, not someone telling me it's all for nothing.
So last night, I snapped.
"Kate, you're being stupid," she said with this tone that exemplified the precise degree of idiocy she surmised i possessed.
"Amy! Just...fuck off. Please" [ NOTE: when i said this, i did not shout. I did not raise my voice. I merely said it with a touch of annoyance and exasperation in my voice. I do not like shouting.]
"YOU FUCK OFF!" she said loudly, clearly affronted. And i did.
When my parents got home, she immediately told them. And then she got really pissed when i didn't get 'punished', saying she always gets blamed and i get away with everything. My parents said i needed some space. But that wasn't the reason why i said what i did. We haven't spoken since...i hope it doesn't relapse into what it was before- cause that was... horrible. Like, seriously. You would not believe the level of animosity. You wouldn't recognise the hate emanating from me; nor my sister.
But enough of that. I have said too much already. I hope it doesn't seem like I'm slagging off Amy- cause i'm not. she's a nice person. Just i wish she was a little more empathetic.
I hope tomorrow goes OK. I'd better go and do something so it will go OK.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: (Augie March- just passing through)
"At ten o'clock is when I rise from my grave,
and cast my eyes over the ideas that I couldn't save,
become regret and break upon me now wave after wave,
bid me remember what I done.
When time doesn't tear you pay a fee to make it rip, the ditch witch,
the back hoe, the bobcat, the tip, soil from the hillock spilling over on that solemn lip,
it covers up the cedar mirror,
do you ever see your weakness any clearer?
We were winding up the road to the site with the windows down and the cigarettes alight,
singing some rubbish about "my soul's alright",
I didn't know what I could do...
It's just you and I and some other guy forever passing through? "
on the pavement
OK. I haven't a clue why on earth i am exhibiting this to you. But here it is. Tis a poem i wrote.
yes, i realise it sucks. You may not say it, but you are not wearing alfoil around your head, so i can see the thoughts swimming in your mind.
On the Pavement
Diamonds litter the pavement;
A dazzling panoply of sunlight reflections.
The drifter reaches out-
Their glint sears the back of his eyes.
Jagged edge tastes blood-
Pain brings cruel reality.
Priceless riches become glass shards-
Last night’s sweet oblivion bringer;
A broken beer bottle.
His life’s red river trickles in his grasp;
It feels warm, comforting- real;
A burning consolation.
The man scoops up these tell-tale fragments
Places them tenderly in his pocket-
Because although they hold not power,
Nor grandeur,
Nor the world’s eyes:
They are still beautiful.
It’s just nobody but him
Sees it that way.
yes, i realise it sucks. You may not say it, but you are not wearing alfoil around your head, so i can see the thoughts swimming in your mind.
On the Pavement
Diamonds litter the pavement;
A dazzling panoply of sunlight reflections.
The drifter reaches out-
Their glint sears the back of his eyes.
Jagged edge tastes blood-
Pain brings cruel reality.
Priceless riches become glass shards-
Last night’s sweet oblivion bringer;
A broken beer bottle.
His life’s red river trickles in his grasp;
It feels warm, comforting- real;
A burning consolation.
The man scoops up these tell-tale fragments
Places them tenderly in his pocket-
Because although they hold not power,
Nor grandeur,
Nor the world’s eyes:
They are still beautiful.
It’s just nobody but him
Sees it that way.
should be freakin.
ho hum.
I SHOULD BE PANICKING. I SHOULD BE FREAKED OUT. but i'm not. which is crazy.
cause i just tried to remember 'meiosis' totally forgot all steps.
i just want to get it over and done with. I wish i could just blink and i would open my eyes to Wednesday afternoon. I'm comforting myself by reckoning...well, that in the future, i will be able to look back. Because the day will come. I've just gotta be patient.
My, my, i have resorted to rambling. I should be doing something but I HAVE NO MOTIVATION. seriously. I had, like a heart attack two weeks ago because i was so scared, but now, i'm like some frickin hippy- ya know..."don't worry man"..."go with the flow"...- that kind of crap.
Tis unnerving, i tell you.
Or it would be if i actually had the sense to realise it.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: (affirmation, savage garden - ya, i know already. i'm a dweeb. but this song is still pretty cool. do not care bout your opinion.)
"I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye"
I SHOULD BE PANICKING. I SHOULD BE FREAKED OUT. but i'm not. which is crazy.
cause i just tried to remember 'meiosis' totally forgot all steps.
i just want to get it over and done with. I wish i could just blink and i would open my eyes to Wednesday afternoon. I'm comforting myself by reckoning...well, that in the future, i will be able to look back. Because the day will come. I've just gotta be patient.
My, my, i have resorted to rambling. I should be doing something but I HAVE NO MOTIVATION. seriously. I had, like a heart attack two weeks ago because i was so scared, but now, i'm like some frickin hippy- ya know..."don't worry man"..."go with the flow"...- that kind of crap.
Tis unnerving, i tell you.
Or it would be if i actually had the sense to realise it.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: (affirmation, savage garden - ya, i know already. i'm a dweeb. but this song is still pretty cool. do not care bout your opinion.)
"I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye"
I am afraid that I will read a question; and I know that the answer lies some where within my mind’s pool of knowledge; so I cast my line out upon this great expanse (heh). But what if it turns up with the wrong sort of information? And I end up catching trout and not salmon? And so I will hurl the line out again, more frantically, hoping, wishing, pleading. And this time, nothing at all bites. The fish have swum away- hidden beneath the deep crevices where not even the sharpest hook would barely brush against them.
Oh lordy. Oh lordy lordy lordy.
“I’ve been watching you for hours
Its been years since we were bornWe were perfect when we started
I’ve been wondering where we’ve gone
All your life is such a shame, shame, shame
All your love is just a dream, dream, dream
Well I dreamt I saw you walking up a hillside in the snow
Casting shadows on the winter sky as you stood there
Counting crows”
(murder of one, Counting Crows)
Oh lordy. Oh lordy lordy lordy.
“I’ve been watching you for hours
Its been years since we were bornWe were perfect when we started
I’ve been wondering where we’ve gone
All your life is such a shame, shame, shame
All your love is just a dream, dream, dream
Well I dreamt I saw you walking up a hillside in the snow
Casting shadows on the winter sky as you stood there
Counting crows”
(murder of one, Counting Crows)
eheheh *sly laugh*
oh dear- my cover is blown! This mask of doe-like innocence can no longer attach!
because sammie posted our MSN convo on her bloggie. Containing material which...well let's just say it has references to sweet bananas. *SUPERSTAR*
for shame, Sam. Twas not me, twas my fingers writing those words. They just happened to punch a series of letters which read "a rollercoaster ride of...etc"
AYAAAAAA!! should be studying. I have written up notes n all- but its not like i remember anything that is actually on them.
I am surprisingly calm. It's kind of freaking me out. But I shan't think on it too much unless I realise the truth that it is actually just a defence mechanism to that nasty beastie "panic"- cause then I WILL panic. Ah truth, cruel truth.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: (coldplay, don't panic>> easy for you to frickin say)
bones, sinking like stones
all that we fought for
homes, places we've grown
all of us are done for
we live in a beautiful world
yeah we do, yeah we do
oh dear- my cover is blown! This mask of doe-like innocence can no longer attach!
because sammie posted our MSN convo on her bloggie. Containing material which...well let's just say it has references to sweet bananas. *SUPERSTAR*
for shame, Sam. Twas not me, twas my fingers writing those words. They just happened to punch a series of letters which read "a rollercoaster ride of...etc"
AYAAAAAA!! should be studying. I have written up notes n all- but its not like i remember anything that is actually on them.
I am surprisingly calm. It's kind of freaking me out. But I shan't think on it too much unless I realise the truth that it is actually just a defence mechanism to that nasty beastie "panic"- cause then I WILL panic. Ah truth, cruel truth.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: (coldplay, don't panic>> easy for you to frickin say)
bones, sinking like stones
all that we fought for
homes, places we've grown
all of us are done for
we live in a beautiful world
yeah we do, yeah we do
calm freaky,
fingers only
nutty tut
tut, tut, Tutankhamen Kate.
You should be studying.
true, true. Very true. It really is quite alarming. This rush of apathy has succeeded by overwhelming spasms of panic today. Quite a catch 22- as i need that kind of drive for me to actually DO something.
QUOTE OF THEY DAY: (Mr Jones-- Counting Crows. currently turned up to just about as loud as it can bloody well get)
"we all wanna be big stars
but we don't know why
and we don't know how
but when everybody loves me
i wanna be
just about as happy as i can be
Mr Jones and me
are gonna be big stars."
You should be studying.
true, true. Very true. It really is quite alarming. This rush of apathy has succeeded by overwhelming spasms of panic today. Quite a catch 22- as i need that kind of drive for me to actually DO something.
QUOTE OF THEY DAY: (Mr Jones-- Counting Crows. currently turned up to just about as loud as it can bloody well get)
"we all wanna be big stars
but we don't know why
and we don't know how
but when everybody loves me
i wanna be
just about as happy as i can be
Mr Jones and me
are gonna be big stars."
"Blue Light Reflections"
An eldritch scream of terror slices through the air like a machete.
tennis tomorrow. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. OOOOO. ooo. oh.
*self-piteous sob*
Bec-ause "I...will be the friend. And I'll...keep on the end. No time for wi-iners, because I am a loser..."
Actually the things that are peeving me most about it is
a) i will have to drag myself out of bed
b) i will have to sacrifice study time, thus brain cells, thus year 10 exams, thus next year, thus a good TEE mark, thus university, thus a career, thus MY ENTIRE GODAMN LIFE!!! ...(pant, pant)
c) I will have to drag myself out of bed
I was just recalling a time in tute when I was playing hangman with Ness (ahoy there nessie) and I gave her the clue of the word related to my blog.
"Psychotic!" she immediately spurted out, as though it was the most obvious answer.
"Crazy. Deranged."
"well actually..."
hah! maybe such themes do play a major part in this blog, but I didn't think they were that strong! I shall attempt to inject at least some sanity into it from now on. ... Or not.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: (counting crows- Mrs Potters Lullaby. oh holy cheese i love this song)
"All the blue light reflections that color my mind when I sleep
And the lovesick rejections that accompany the company I keep
All the razor perceptions that cut just a little too deep
Hey I can bleed as well as anyone, but I need someone to help me sleep
So I throw my hand into the air and it swims in the beams
It's just a brief interruption of the swirling dust sparkle jet stream"
tennis tomorrow. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. OOOOO. ooo. oh.
*self-piteous sob*
Bec-ause "I...will be the friend. And I'll...keep on the end. No time for wi-iners, because I am a loser..."
Actually the things that are peeving me most about it is
a) i will have to drag myself out of bed
b) i will have to sacrifice study time, thus brain cells, thus year 10 exams, thus next year, thus a good TEE mark, thus university, thus a career, thus MY ENTIRE GODAMN LIFE!!! ...(pant, pant)
c) I will have to drag myself out of bed
I was just recalling a time in tute when I was playing hangman with Ness (ahoy there nessie) and I gave her the clue of the word related to my blog.
"Psychotic!" she immediately spurted out, as though it was the most obvious answer.
"Crazy. Deranged."
"well actually..."
hah! maybe such themes do play a major part in this blog, but I didn't think they were that strong! I shall attempt to inject at least some sanity into it from now on. ... Or not.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: (counting crows- Mrs Potters Lullaby. oh holy cheese i love this song)
"All the blue light reflections that color my mind when I sleep
And the lovesick rejections that accompany the company I keep
All the razor perceptions that cut just a little too deep
Hey I can bleed as well as anyone, but I need someone to help me sleep
So I throw my hand into the air and it swims in the beams
It's just a brief interruption of the swirling dust sparkle jet stream"
colour my mind,
loon theme,
too godamn early
oh crumbling cookie monster
oh dear. oh dear. oh dear.
oh crumbling cookie monster. oh sweet saint of woop woop. oh fading freckle.
and i thought i couldn't possibly look any worse.
see...i just got a haircut. A fringe to be precise. oh lordy.
you know what it is composed of? About three strands of hair. I am serious. It cannot be classified as a fringe.
The hairdresser was a German lady- and i could hardly understand a word she was saying. My mum (praise her) realised this, and stayed to a have a spasmodic and oblique conversation with her (mum just had to bring up the subject WWII didn't she?) So I sat there.
comb comb comb.
snip snip snip.
Every time I caught a glance at myself in the mirror a grimace appeared, which I attempted hastily to mould into a smile. Which made it look like I had something very nasty under my nose.
ah well, Kate. That's what you get, i spose, for trying to look as though you don't resemble something aunty agatha scrambled. Tis inevitable.
Horrible day. Math test. Augie March was playing in my head all was so darn annoying. But enough of that.
There's this really good site called - it's got these really cool graphics. like totally awesome man. anyhoo, check it out.
i'd love to fly. That was another wish that i wrote down in my wish journal when i was little.
that was my first entry. A little materialistic, weren't I?
QUOTE OF THE DAY: (Augie March- bottle baby)
"O, I could have told you, the vices wont hold you
warm in a coil where you lay
but high up behind you, seized by the temple
and bid and obey and obey
A heinous, heinous law
of an endless, endless love,
that governs your
poor heart"
oh crumbling cookie monster. oh sweet saint of woop woop. oh fading freckle.
and i thought i couldn't possibly look any worse.
see...i just got a haircut. A fringe to be precise. oh lordy.
you know what it is composed of? About three strands of hair. I am serious. It cannot be classified as a fringe.
The hairdresser was a German lady- and i could hardly understand a word she was saying. My mum (praise her) realised this, and stayed to a have a spasmodic and oblique conversation with her (mum just had to bring up the subject WWII didn't she?) So I sat there.
comb comb comb.
snip snip snip.
Every time I caught a glance at myself in the mirror a grimace appeared, which I attempted hastily to mould into a smile. Which made it look like I had something very nasty under my nose.
ah well, Kate. That's what you get, i spose, for trying to look as though you don't resemble something aunty agatha scrambled. Tis inevitable.
Horrible day. Math test. Augie March was playing in my head all was so darn annoying. But enough of that.
There's this really good site called - it's got these really cool graphics. like totally awesome man. anyhoo, check it out.
i'd love to fly. That was another wish that i wrote down in my wish journal when i was little.
April 4th 2001 (turned 8 yesterday)
"my greatest wish now is to fly, though not with wings, because i'd have to cut holes in my shorts and stuff like that. Because: i'd be able to be a great basketball player and fly away from things. I could also lift my friends up and show them how it is to fly."that was my first entry. A little materialistic, weren't I?
QUOTE OF THE DAY: (Augie March- bottle baby)
"O, I could have told you, the vices wont hold you
warm in a coil where you lay
but high up behind you, seized by the temple
and bid and obey and obey
A heinous, heinous law
of an endless, endless love,
that governs your
poor heart"
two-strand fringe
I think an apology, dearest reader, is in order. I've just been reading over my past entries, and they are composed of little more than self-pity and complaints about life in general. Gotta stop doing that. Such an introvert.
Now that i can't focus on bemoaning my existence...i am unsure of what to write. sigh.
My sister got very annoyed when she discovered that I was blocking her boyfriend on MSN. Yes... maybe it is a little mean...but, seriously- i haven't even met the guy. I haven't even talked to him verbally. PLUS he doesn't even want to talk to me in the first place- he's just trying to glean facts on sis.'s awkward. I don't like talking to strangers. They scare me. Face to face especially. Their opinions scare me. That custom eye-sweep that analyses everything about you in a second and makes you just want bury yourself in desert sand. But you can't- you have to give that expected polite smile, that hideously jarring smile that feels like nails on a blackboard. there's no choice.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: (blue october - into the ocean )
"I want to swim away but don't know how
Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean
Let the waves up take me down
Let the hurricane set in motion... yeah
Let the rain of what I feel right now...come down
Let the rain come down"
Now that i can't focus on bemoaning my existence...i am unsure of what to write. sigh.
My sister got very annoyed when she discovered that I was blocking her boyfriend on MSN. Yes... maybe it is a little mean...but, seriously- i haven't even met the guy. I haven't even talked to him verbally. PLUS he doesn't even want to talk to me in the first place- he's just trying to glean facts on sis.'s awkward. I don't like talking to strangers. They scare me. Face to face especially. Their opinions scare me. That custom eye-sweep that analyses everything about you in a second and makes you just want bury yourself in desert sand. But you can't- you have to give that expected polite smile, that hideously jarring smile that feels like nails on a blackboard. there's no choice.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: (blue october - into the ocean )
"I want to swim away but don't know how
Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean
Let the waves up take me down
Let the hurricane set in motion... yeah
Let the rain of what I feel right now...come down
Let the rain come down"
i thought of just...,
quotes from muppets.
hah! i was just indulging in a little nostolgia by reviewing quotes from my all time favourite movie when I was a kiddywinkle: Muppet Treasure Island. I haven't seen it in I'm really scared that if I ever see it will have lost it's magic. How sad.
Anyhoo- here are some of my faves:
Billy Bones: Beware lads! Beware.
Jim Hawkins: What, the one-legged man?
Billy Bones: Aye. But also, beware runnin' with scissors or any other pointy object. It's all good fun, until somebody loses an - Ahhhh! (at this point, billy bones keels over, dead. Pretty full on for a kids movie, ay?)
Captain Abraham Smollett (aka Kermitty Frog) : [shouting flabergasted] Who hired this crew? This is undoubtedly the seediest bunch of cutthroats, villains and scoundrels I have ever seen, so who hired them? [Everyone points at Young Squire Trelawney, who in turn points at his finger]
Captain Abraham Smollett: Your finger hired the crew?
Squire Trelawney: No, that's silly. The man who *lives* in my finger hired the crew: Mr. Bimbo. [Holds finger to ear]
Squire Trelawney: What? Ah, yeah, he relied heavily on the advice of an excellent cook, Long John Silver.
Captain Abraham Smollett: A cook? And a guy who lives in a bear's finger? Squire Trelawney: Exactly!
Billy Bones: How does she bloody do that? (ooh. profanity too!)
Jim Hawkins: Might as well start. I'll wash.
Rizzo: I'll dry.
Gonzo: I'll break.
Long John Silver: Aw, hell, Jim. I could never harm you. You're honest and brave and true. You didn't learn that from me.
Jim Hawkins: I learned it from my friends, Mr. Silver. Now, take your oars and row away. I never want to see you again. Ever. (my heart broke at this point. Even though he's a meanie pirate, he's a cool meanie pirate. Poor Long John.)
THERE WILL BE NO QUOTE OF THE DAY TODAY....BECAUSE THERE HAVE ALREADY BEEN ABOUT 20. i apologise profusely- i know you are such avid readers of this section.
Anyhoo- here are some of my faves:
Billy Bones: Beware lads! Beware.
Jim Hawkins: What, the one-legged man?
Billy Bones: Aye. But also, beware runnin' with scissors or any other pointy object. It's all good fun, until somebody loses an - Ahhhh! (at this point, billy bones keels over, dead. Pretty full on for a kids movie, ay?)
Captain Abraham Smollett (aka Kermitty Frog) : [shouting flabergasted] Who hired this crew? This is undoubtedly the seediest bunch of cutthroats, villains and scoundrels I have ever seen, so who hired them? [Everyone points at Young Squire Trelawney, who in turn points at his finger]
Captain Abraham Smollett: Your finger hired the crew?
Squire Trelawney: No, that's silly. The man who *lives* in my finger hired the crew: Mr. Bimbo. [Holds finger to ear]
Squire Trelawney: What? Ah, yeah, he relied heavily on the advice of an excellent cook, Long John Silver.
Captain Abraham Smollett: A cook? And a guy who lives in a bear's finger? Squire Trelawney: Exactly!
Billy Bones: How does she bloody do that? (ooh. profanity too!)
Jim Hawkins: Might as well start. I'll wash.
Rizzo: I'll dry.
Gonzo: I'll break.
Long John Silver: Aw, hell, Jim. I could never harm you. You're honest and brave and true. You didn't learn that from me.
Jim Hawkins: I learned it from my friends, Mr. Silver. Now, take your oars and row away. I never want to see you again. Ever. (my heart broke at this point. Even though he's a meanie pirate, he's a cool meanie pirate. Poor Long John.)
THERE WILL BE NO QUOTE OF THE DAY TODAY....BECAUSE THERE HAVE ALREADY BEEN ABOUT 20. i apologise profusely- i know you are such avid readers of this section.
found it!...[you: "Frankly, my dear, i don't give a damn."]
i found it!! hah! well what do ya know. BUT the calculator wasn't in an obvious place- so no, it was not under my nose the entire time and I was just too lazy to look properly. It was just that sentence minus the first bit.
sheesh that sentence didn't make sense. ah well.
My parents were so happy that they didn't have to waste another couple of hundred dollars.
"Well done Kate!" they gushed. My dad even patted me on the head. When a couple of minutes prior they were saying how much time I was wasting on the internet (they do have a point) and how I was far too apathetic about the issue.
The thing is, it was only pure luck that I found it. If Lady Fortune's hand hadn't been guiding me to the place under the sofa and under the pile of CD's- I would still be looking and my parents would still be peeved. Which got me thinking. Luck guides so many situations, so many relationships. It seems almost unfair, in a way.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: (Coldplay- yellow)
"for you i'd bleed myself dry
it's true.
the colours shine for you...
look at the stars
look how they shine for you
and all the things that you do."
sheesh that sentence didn't make sense. ah well.
My parents were so happy that they didn't have to waste another couple of hundred dollars.
"Well done Kate!" they gushed. My dad even patted me on the head. When a couple of minutes prior they were saying how much time I was wasting on the internet (they do have a point) and how I was far too apathetic about the issue.
The thing is, it was only pure luck that I found it. If Lady Fortune's hand hadn't been guiding me to the place under the sofa and under the pile of CD's- I would still be looking and my parents would still be peeved. Which got me thinking. Luck guides so many situations, so many relationships. It seems almost unfair, in a way.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: (Coldplay- yellow)
"for you i'd bleed myself dry
it's true.
the colours shine for you...
look at the stars
look how they shine for you
and all the things that you do."
squished frog
Do you ever get that feeling- when you're walking along through the school, and you look up, and you see someone you know amidst a mass of unknown faces and you get this massive jolt? As if you have forgotten that they were there all along?
I am so scared about exams. Not just year 10 exams- but year 11, and, most of all, TEE.
dammit (in place as the f-word). I've lost my graphics calcuator. I am so screwed. n i have to find it before Friday. Dammit.
Kate = frog about to get squished.
I am so scared about exams. Not just year 10 exams- but year 11, and, most of all, TEE.
dammit (in place as the f-word). I've lost my graphics calcuator. I am so screwed. n i have to find it before Friday. Dammit.
Kate = frog about to get squished.
Hilarious Quotes stolen from other blog.
heh. I was just reading this random's blog...and found this comment:
"I am not a vegetarian because I love animals. I am a vegetarian because I hate plants. ;) "
love it!
OMG, I've just read on...and it's hilarous!! u have got to check out post "Why did the chickin cross the road? Read it here."
Exert, (answer to, 'why did the chicken cross the road'): "MOSES : And God came down from the Heavens, and He said unto the chicken, "Thou shalt cross the road." And the chicken crossed the road, and there was much rejoicing.
on second thoughts...i shan't post the address. I have scrolled down...and the rest ain't that interesting. How annoying. But i thought THAT was funny. Here's some more:
"ARISTOTLE: It is the nature of chickens to cross roads.
SADDAM HUSSEIN: This was an unprovoked act of rebellion and we were quite justified in dropping 50 tons of nerve gas on it.
MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.: I envision a world where all chickens will be free to cross roads without having their motives called into question."
"I am not a vegetarian because I love animals. I am a vegetarian because I hate plants. ;) "
love it!
OMG, I've just read on...and it's hilarous!! u have got to check out post "Why did the chickin cross the road? Read it here."
Exert, (answer to, 'why did the chicken cross the road'): "MOSES : And God came down from the Heavens, and He said unto the chicken, "Thou shalt cross the road." And the chicken crossed the road, and there was much rejoicing.
on second thoughts...i shan't post the address. I have scrolled down...and the rest ain't that interesting. How annoying. But i thought THAT was funny. Here's some more:
"ARISTOTLE: It is the nature of chickens to cross roads.
SADDAM HUSSEIN: This was an unprovoked act of rebellion and we were quite justified in dropping 50 tons of nerve gas on it.
MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.: I envision a world where all chickens will be free to cross roads without having their motives called into question."
Tennis Tragedy Terrifies the Tactless...kate
Errrrr. Do you know what time I had to get up today? On a SUNDAY?
Yes, I can see the sympathetic tears coursing down your cheeks. You know the world has descended into darkness when circumstances like these are disseminated.
I had to rise at such an ungodly hour because I had a tennis tournament today which started at 8:00…and it took, like an hour to drive to the place.
Ooh, tournament, I hear you say. Very fancy. Please, I beg you, do not cosy up with the idea that I got into the tournament because I was good. Bah. Nah, my coach was absolutely DESPERATE, and we needed 4 people to make up a team.
It was horrible. Ghastly, I saw, blinkin ghastly.
We had to play 12 games in doubles (2 sets) and the same amount for (epileptic fit) singles. We lost. Of course. Abysmally. 6-2, 6-4 for doubles and 6-1, 6-1 for singles.
Segment from today 1#
Inside Kate’s head.
“Ok Kate. You can do this. Of course you can do this. Hah! Of course you can’t you lying bastar-…*optimistic voice quashes negative with effort* Kate. Come on, man. Pull yourself together. Hit that bloody ball.”
The enemy serves, the ball arching gracefully in the air before it makes furious impact with the racquet and zooms towards her at the speed of light + 1. Kate flings out her arm just in time and makes contact! She rejoices! The ball flies in the opposite direction at a derisorily slower pace.
And hits the net.
(negative voice) “Well. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Pah.”
Segment from today 2#
The green ball can barely be beholden by the naked eye because it is moving so fast. It pummels it’s way towards Kate, whose eyes widen to the size of saucers. She realises she won’t be able to hit it- it’s too high. She’s going to have to move back. And quickly. So, she runs backward. It’s coming, it’s coming! She’s not going to make it! She lifts her racquet up! She’s about to make contact!
The earth stops revolving for a moment.
In slow motion, she feels herself losing balance.
She stumbles.
She can feel herself toppling over backwards.
Then she hits the ground with an almighty whack.
Smooth Kate. Very smooth.
‘Twas the second most embarrassing time in my entire life.
Oh, and, just so’s ya know- a whole colony of eager parents was watching of the sidelines. Wonnerful.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: (Greenday- Walking Contradiction)
I beg to differ on the contrary
I agree with every word that you say
Talk is cheap and lies are expensive
My wallet's fat and so is my head
Hit and run and then I'll hit you again
I'm a smartass but I'm playing dumb
Yes, I can see the sympathetic tears coursing down your cheeks. You know the world has descended into darkness when circumstances like these are disseminated.
I had to rise at such an ungodly hour because I had a tennis tournament today which started at 8:00…and it took, like an hour to drive to the place.
Ooh, tournament, I hear you say. Very fancy. Please, I beg you, do not cosy up with the idea that I got into the tournament because I was good. Bah. Nah, my coach was absolutely DESPERATE, and we needed 4 people to make up a team.
It was horrible. Ghastly, I saw, blinkin ghastly.
We had to play 12 games in doubles (2 sets) and the same amount for (epileptic fit) singles. We lost. Of course. Abysmally. 6-2, 6-4 for doubles and 6-1, 6-1 for singles.
Segment from today 1#
Inside Kate’s head.
“Ok Kate. You can do this. Of course you can do this. Hah! Of course you can’t you lying bastar-…*optimistic voice quashes negative with effort* Kate. Come on, man. Pull yourself together. Hit that bloody ball.”
The enemy serves, the ball arching gracefully in the air before it makes furious impact with the racquet and zooms towards her at the speed of light + 1. Kate flings out her arm just in time and makes contact! She rejoices! The ball flies in the opposite direction at a derisorily slower pace.
And hits the net.
(negative voice) “Well. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Pah.”
Segment from today 2#
The green ball can barely be beholden by the naked eye because it is moving so fast. It pummels it’s way towards Kate, whose eyes widen to the size of saucers. She realises she won’t be able to hit it- it’s too high. She’s going to have to move back. And quickly. So, she runs backward. It’s coming, it’s coming! She’s not going to make it! She lifts her racquet up! She’s about to make contact!
The earth stops revolving for a moment.
In slow motion, she feels herself losing balance.
She stumbles.
She can feel herself toppling over backwards.
Then she hits the ground with an almighty whack.
Smooth Kate. Very smooth.
‘Twas the second most embarrassing time in my entire life.
Oh, and, just so’s ya know- a whole colony of eager parents was watching of the sidelines. Wonnerful.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: (Greenday- Walking Contradiction)
I beg to differ on the contrary
I agree with every word that you say
Talk is cheap and lies are expensive
My wallet's fat and so is my head
Hit and run and then I'll hit you again
I'm a smartass but I'm playing dumb
A collection of interesting words beginning with the letter h. I can say without the slightest trace of doubt that they have brightened your day. Am I right? Or am I right, or am I right?
tee hee! I was latterly sniggering over a memorable incident which took place yesterday, involving Philipa and Ness's presumption of the noise which burst out of her to be the sound of a chainsaw revving up. Yes, I realise, to you, dear reader, it does not seem to be hilarious an occurence. But I still find it funny. So BACK OFF!!
ok. I'm lonely.
you can come back now.
Curious, is it not, that some emotion can only exist in the moment?
THIS POST WAS INTERCEPTED BY A SECRET COMPUTER SERVICE BECAUSE IT CONTAINED INAPPROPRIATE MATERIAL (EG. HOLE-PUNCHERS, POODLES AND THOSE LITTLE BUTTONS ON THE TOP OF SOFTDRINK LIDS). WE APOLOGISE FOR ASDFLKJSDF oh no!!! ASDLKWER.,X bob's gone satanic!! AS;DZO;he's weilding a dangerous looking yellow pagesIUSWO;SDLGand sayingDG..? world will endWLIHSDin 3 yearsALSIDNGDXdue toZXCLKJLSD gays taking over the worldALSDG.X, and the entire race of manA;SDIGNLZXK dying out!!ASLDGLKXZCNGLK...ahhh!!! he's coming towards me!!!
QUOTE OF THE DAY: (counting crows- angels of the silences...god i love this song.)
"Well i guess you left me with some feathers in my hand
did it make it any easier to leave me where i stand?
i guess there might not be too many who would stand beside you now
where'd you come from? Where am i going?
why'd you leave me 'till i'm only good for...
waiting for you
all my sins...i said that i would pay for them if i could come back to you
all my innocence is wasted on the dead and dreaming"
A collection of interesting words beginning with the letter h. I can say without the slightest trace of doubt that they have brightened your day. Am I right? Or am I right, or am I right?
tee hee! I was latterly sniggering over a memorable incident which took place yesterday, involving Philipa and Ness's presumption of the noise which burst out of her to be the sound of a chainsaw revving up. Yes, I realise, to you, dear reader, it does not seem to be hilarious an occurence. But I still find it funny. So BACK OFF!!
ok. I'm lonely.
you can come back now.
Curious, is it not, that some emotion can only exist in the moment?
THIS POST WAS INTERCEPTED BY A SECRET COMPUTER SERVICE BECAUSE IT CONTAINED INAPPROPRIATE MATERIAL (EG. HOLE-PUNCHERS, POODLES AND THOSE LITTLE BUTTONS ON THE TOP OF SOFTDRINK LIDS). WE APOLOGISE FOR ASDFLKJSDF oh no!!! ASDLKWER.,X bob's gone satanic!! AS;DZO;he's weilding a dangerous looking yellow pagesIUSWO;SDLGand sayingDG..? world will endWLIHSDin 3 yearsALSIDNGDXdue toZXCLKJLSD gays taking over the worldALSDG.X, and the entire race of manA;SDIGNLZXK dying out!!ASLDGLKXZCNGLK...ahhh!!! he's coming towards me!!!
QUOTE OF THE DAY: (counting crows- angels of the silences...god i love this song.)
"Well i guess you left me with some feathers in my hand
did it make it any easier to leave me where i stand?
i guess there might not be too many who would stand beside you now
where'd you come from? Where am i going?
why'd you leave me 'till i'm only good for...
waiting for you
all my sins...i said that i would pay for them if i could come back to you
all my innocence is wasted on the dead and dreaming"
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