I think an apology, dearest reader, is in order. I've just been reading over my past entries, and they are composed of little more than self-pity and complaints about life in general. Gotta stop doing that. Such an introvert.
Now that i can't focus on bemoaning my existence...i am unsure of what to write. sigh.

My sister got very annoyed when she discovered that I was blocking her boyfriend on MSN. Yes... maybe it is a little mean...but, seriously- i haven't even met the guy. I haven't even talked to him verbally. PLUS he doesn't even want to talk to me in the first place- he's just trying to glean facts on sis. Plus...it's awkward. I don't like talking to strangers. They scare me. Face to face especially. Their opinions scare me. That custom eye-sweep that analyses everything about you in a second and makes you just want bury yourself in desert sand. But you can't- you have to give that expected polite smile, that hideously jarring smile that feels like nails on a blackboard. there's no choice.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: (blue october - into the ocean )
"I want to swim away but don't know how
Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean
Let the waves up take me down
Let the hurricane set in motion... yeah
Let the rain of what I feel right now...come down
Let the rain come down"

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