I am afraid that I will read a question; and I know that the answer lies some where within my mind’s pool of knowledge; so I cast my line out upon this great expanse (heh). But what if it turns up with the wrong sort of information? And I end up catching trout and not salmon? And so I will hurl the line out again, more frantically, hoping, wishing, pleading. And this time, nothing at all bites. The fish have swum away- hidden beneath the deep crevices where not even the sharpest hook would barely brush against them.
Oh lordy. Oh lordy lordy lordy.

“I’ve been watching you for hours
Its been years since we were bornWe were perfect when we started
I’ve been wondering where we’ve gone
All your life is such a shame, shame, shame
All your love is just a dream, dream, dream
Well I dreamt I saw you walking up a hillside in the snow
Casting shadows on the winter sky as you stood there
Counting crows”
(murder of one, Counting Crows)

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