
eheheh *sly laugh*
oh dear- my cover is blown! This mask of doe-like innocence can no longer attach!
because sammie posted our MSN convo on her bloggie. Containing material which...well let's just say it has references to sweet bananas. *SUPERSTAR*
for shame, Sam. Twas not me, twas my fingers writing those words. They just happened to punch a series of letters which read "a rollercoaster ride of...etc"
AYAAAAAA!! should be studying. I have written up notes n all- but its not like i remember anything that is actually on them.
I am surprisingly calm. It's kind of freaking me out. But I shan't think on it too much unless I realise the truth that it is actually just a defence mechanism to that nasty beastie "panic"- cause then I WILL panic. Ah truth, cruel truth.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: (coldplay, don't panic>> easy for you to frickin say)

bones, sinking like stones
all that we fought for
homes, places we've grown
all of us are done for
we live in a beautiful world
yeah we do, yeah we do

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