Damn Mugabe.

Ok, i know i now sound like THE BIGGEST DWEEB IN HIGHSCHOOL but my...well, i hesitate to say favourite...but i find the most engaging show on tv is the news. I mean, there's so much drama in reality, who needs to turn to Neighbours (gag) to find it? I'm being unreasonable. People watch those kind of programmes because they're not reality.
Still, i feel i need to broaden this limited scope of world consciousness. You know? See what's going on in other countries other than my own. Hell, find out what's happening outside my own bloomin house.

Tense. With the election tomorrow in Zimbabwe and all. People going missing. Supporters of democracy forced into hiding, or imprisoned. If people boycott this one (which they probably will), it means that Mugabe wins...nominally anyway. He won't have the legitimacy, though, the news reporter said. He'll be recognised, domestically and globally as a pseudo leader. Damn totalitarian. Bloody villain. Authoritarian,

I really like history...but, i was thinking. If i do choose, somehow, to study it in uni, where's it going to go from there? I suppose reflecting on past events can lead to better decisions and frames of thinking in modern times. But what kind of occupation would that entail.
wow, kate, slow down there. Occupation? I need to combat the evils of exams before i can even look past the life of a recycling sorter. Man, that'd be one helluva boring job. Brain dead all day. Thank god for machines. They make us both dumber and smarter. depending where we direct our brain power once machinary has relieved us of those mundane tasks.

Amy's just had a date with a guy called James. They saw 'Get Smart'- sounds pretty funny...something about rats and poop and rats on poop.
Gosh. I think there's something wrong with me. I mean...it seems like everyone is getting boyfriends, and there's me, who would be too embarrassed to look one in the eye. The male sex is foreign...everytime a guy my age comes in the 100m proximity, it's like ALIEN ALERT. haha, i shouldn't even glance at such things, cause it'd be impossible anyway.
Ooh, yes, i fit so snugly into that 'i'm a confused teenage girl thinking about guys' stereotype. Garh!! that bugs me to no end.

cor blimey, it's ten o'clock. damn. so much for study. I allow the ripe hours to wilt, die, and rot, and then wonder why...
CUT IT OUT KATE. seriously. i thought we said we were going to have a 'fresh outlook'.

right. i'd better VAMOOSE!


veracious = truthful by nature 2. (of a statement) true

recrudesce = (of disease, difficulty) break out again

expostulate = (foll. with a person) make a protest; remonstrate

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