The heater in this room is absolutely useless. oh, wait! I think we may have moved up about 2 centigrade in the last two hours! A grand achievement, heater. You're really helping to take the chill off.

But i feel guilty using the fan heater, cause it ain't economic. We are, if you don't know, experiencing a gas crisis, which they think is going to last for another 6 months. It means the price of gas has sky-rocketed. WOULD YOU BELIEVE PETROL IS NOW AROUND 1.65???? Sigh. I wish they had introduced some wind power/hydroelectric/solar stations in the Howard government. Hahaha, god, it is so easy to blame the government. It's all them! Anything that's wrong with this nation we can blame on a couple of wrinkly men (and yay, some women) sitting in a cold office. Anyway, the crisis was triggered by a gas station going kaput. Blowing up. Luckily, it wasn't a sudden kapow, so no one was killed or even injured. What an efficient vacuation- when i heard, i was so relieved. When you think of an explosion, that mental picture (at least my mental picture) usually has a dismembered limb here or there, and at least a couple of dried blood patches. Man, i had an unnaturally sordid mind. A bloody imagination. Like sometimes (and i can't help it...its not as though i'm egging these thoughts on) i imagine, for no reason in particular, death. For example: a couple of days ago, i saw one of the gardeners trundling past the school gates in one of those little cart things. When it was about 10m past me, it made a weird gurgling sound. Without the expression on my face changing, i imagined the guy had somehow gotten stuck in the engine, and the blades were chomping him up, blood spraying everywhere, etc, etc. All in a flash, and then my disgust caught on, and i could but wonder at my macabre imagination. Other stuff too...the idea of death just pops into my head without warning. i mean, we're all mortally afraid of it (haha, mortally afraid), but seriously. Is that normal?

God, i need to go to the library and read something new. I'm going through the harry potter series for what must be the fifteenth time, at least. Broaden my mind by extensive reading. I am so jealous of el. In the library today, she said
"I really want to buy a new book. We haven't gone to the bookshop for like two months, and since i go through a novel in, like, a week, i'm really craving one."
Two months? yikes, i don't buy books for myself...hmm...ever. People give em to me, for b-days, or xmas. That'd be so good, to get a new book every month. oh i just want to read away my whole darn life.

:( Today was the last time i would see el and jemps and soph and jaz for three weeks. They're going to have such a blast! Europe!...blimey..

Euna's kind of regretting not going now...poor euna. I don't know how she figured it, but she didn't suppose the tour was a big deal. Ah, Euna's a funny one. Yesterday, when the wind blew leaves across the great court, she said "Look! even the leaves know i'm beautiful!"
We were talking about future husbands today. Gosh! Euna! Rich and handsome (with a neck, she insists) are the only boxes which must be ticked on her 'ultimate guy' list. so much for personality. Pretty and pretty, she says. Stupid and stupid. Poor and poor.
God, if it's like that, then the divisions between us are more impenatrable than i had supposed. But it don't work like that...do it? Though i did read this article that said people do get together who are of relatively equal attractiveness. I think it was because one would feel inferior in the other's presence. that's pretty sad. But i still think....for some of us...personality plays a part. Either way, i'm screwed.

We had this guy talk in chapel. Told us about his born again christian experience. Nguen only gets one chapel session per term (with the rev eyeing him in the front seat). He's so full of 'holy spirit' you can almost feel the christian pulse waves.
god is good...god is good...god is good...

We'll only have 5 people in our maths class next week. cosy.

QUOTES OF THE DAY: Robin Williams. Man, i love Robin Williams.

Ah...so many pedestrians, so little time...

Ballet: Men wearing pants so tight that you can tell what religion they are.

Politics: “Poli” a Latin word meaning “many”; and "tics" meaning “bloodsucking creatures”.

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