Went to the city on friday with everybody- bar Ellen. She had something to do with horses on, i think. Fun, fun. Phili got a pair of red binoculars for her birthday to feed her stalking habit, haha. And a can of baked beans. Don't know why exactly...some joke between 'em. Haha, we ate all afternoon. I'm not kidding. We went to a resteurant, then after a while we went to Icy ice, were they ploughed through two huge sizes, then after a while of walking around, they got icecreams! haha, bottomless pits, i tell ya! I was stuffed after a couple of servings in the resteraunt (YES i know i'm not spelling it right).
mum rang up to say she was having car issues so i had to go early. Haha, everybody thought i had never taken the train before. Yes...i've been taking the train to the city for as long as i've been here...haha. Me and ma had to take the bus back home. I don't know why but i was really touched when the bus driver just said friendly "there ya go love," when he handed me my ticket. i was tired i guess. Mum then embarrassed me by lecturing me on the bus rules, with stuff like
"you press that button when you want to get off" and
"we're nearing our house now," (to which i replied rather snappily, YES, i know mum, i'm not BLIND".
I really should be kinder to my family. I'm such a bitch at times. I try to be good and moral and all that jazz at school, but when i get home, sometimes i'm a little exhausted at the nice- you know what i mean? i know, right. i'm terrible, ha.
Monday today. Tomorrow it's back to the routine.
Would you believe i'm still having dreams about exams? Still. God, the number of mornings i've woken up, thinking i still have exams on. I dreamt i had the maths one last night, and that i'd forgotten my graphics.
It's OVER kate. Get that into your head.
i'm trying to write a story at the moment. Trying being the operative word. As in not succeeding. The plot's crap. Lacks credibility. Lack's intrigue. Lacks everything that could make it even remotely interesting.
So i'll keep writing shall i?
"We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us on what we have already done"-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
"you can tell a lot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jellybeans"-- Ronald Raegan
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