Germany polarised in individual response...WWI...

The last letter of a German mutinee.

"My Dear Parents,
I have been sentenced to death today, September 11, 1917. Only myself and another comrade; the others hve ben let off with fifteen years imprisonment. You will have heard why this has hppened to me. I am a sacrifice of the longing for peace, other are going to follow. I don't like to die so young but i die with a curse on the german-militarist state. These are my last words. I hope that some day you and mother will be able to read them,

Your son
Albin Kobes"

A certain soldiers reaction on hearing of his country's 'shameful' concession to signing the peace-treaty; in other words, to admitting defeat.

"What! was such a thing possible? I broke down completely when the old gentleman tried to resume the story by informing us that we must now end this long war...It was impossible for me to stay and listen any longer. Darkness surrounded me as I staggered and stumbled back to my warn and buried my aching head between the blankets and the pillow. I had not cried since the day I stood beside my mother's grave."

Guess who.


Excrescence - uggly addition

Threnody - song of lamentation/mourning

Totalitarian - of a one party dictatorial form of government requiring complete subserviance to the state

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