This tether which has perpetually bound me for nigh on 11 years (and each year tightening the noose) has been, for a moment, loosened. I doubt it not that this glorious release will be short-lived. Alas, that the student is ever inclined to pessimism- but so experience has hammered this dark approach to life into us. But for now, my comrades- those odious duties to homework border on negligible. *trumpet flourish*
There are, however, other tasks which must be seen to. Also- to spare some future agony, I suppose it would be kind towards my projected self to, say, write up some notes. Still- obligation embodies so much more tedium than that which you would do out of your own will- even when they encompass the same amount of work. Expectation dulls everything. This fascinating exploration of a text which has survived for hundreds of years becomes opprobrious, as it entails the expectation that the reading be astute- that your response will influence a score to come. I am talking about Hamlet. Yes, I am not so dexterous in self-deceit to say that interpreting Hamlet is not sometimes a struggle against the brain- but truly- Shakespearian plays are the pinnacle of literature. Who can debate this, when his name is sacred, even today? What 7-year-old does not recognise it? Who’s spirit is not instilled with that sense of awe, reverence, humility when his words touch the trembling air?
yeah. he’s cool.
So- what shall occupy me tonight? My neurons must be mobile!, haha. I know! Music!! Piano, rather. man, its good to get back to music again. I've kind of gone through a transition through my transitory termination from playing. See- over the years, i forgot why i enjoyed it in the first place. I was deaf to the very notes i was playing- i couldn't hear the trills, the swells, the chirps, the dirge-like hums- it was all compressed down to stiff scribbles on a page. Without the momentum of a realisaiton of the beauty, will to play grounded to a halt. Some friction overtook me- i gave up.
When i sat down on the piano stool (somewhat apprehensively) a few weeks ago, i was dumbfounded. Mistakes were not few or far between- but i actually heard the instruments groans and sighs and songs. And because of didn't seem so hard.
I wish beauty didn't have such superficial connotations. When western societies think of something beautiful, I SURMISE that they think of the perfection of Gweneth Paltrow's skin, or the seductive contours of Jessica Alba, or the beauty of a butterfly's wings in flight, or a rose petal dipped in snow. yes, they do deserve the word. But could we widen the scope? Does it have to describe the physically flawless? Like there is something so beautiful in a hug, a handshake. Some aching beauty shudders in the simplest and most innocent of things. A glance, a laugh, a chuckle, a tired smile.
Do you remember oxi talking about how we get so caught up in the wild flurry of the world, that we forget to pause and actually SEE things around us? I'd forgotten about that too. I came home, and was muching on an apple and reading a book. I looked up, and everything seemed different. The curtains dulled the shafts of evenings golden blossoming into night (haha, usually morn into day, eh? one would not think of night the beginning, but night the end). I noticed as a stranger would, the shape and position of the furniture. You just don't notice those things. Absence makes the heart grow fonder....absence of crystalline consciousness makes the return to it sweeter.
haha, have you got me email??? about what did u choose to save? what was your gift? it was so hard to choose for me. Finally, i opted to save ONE SQUARE FOOT OF RAINFOREST!!! So proud, so proud. Seeing as a handful of soil contains more bacteria than the number of humans that ever existed, i feel rather pleased that i've done my part to save a few of 'em prokaryotic monerists.
"You have only be young once. But you can always be immature."--Dave Barry
"Talent hits a target no once else can hit- genius hits a target no one else can see"--Arthur Schopenhauer
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