How on earth am i supposed to write three damn pages on Ghost Gums when i can't find a single good internet page or book on them???? Not a frickin one!!! All they have is how tall they grow and what coloured flowers they have. Really helpful. I'm supposed to be doing adaptations...adaptations. Roaw! It's due wednesday too...plus i have to do three pages on Great Whites...damn, shouldn't have left it so late.

A muscle in my right leg has been twitching almost non-stop for three days. *punches leg in annoyance*

I love PLANET EARTH. My parents gave me the DVD for a xmas prezzie. It's really annoying though...it's a 2 disc set, and only one of them works properly. Ah well, Caves and Deserts are amazing.

haha, i'm just meandering about nothing............................................................eh.

hey, el and people would be in Europe now! cool.


Sam T said...

kate! www.rattytatty.blogspot.com
give me your gmail so i can add u as an author!

Sam T said...
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