a humbling thought which came three years behind everyone else thinking it.

In this very second, there is a very annoying and peevish cat sitting on my lap doing ‘paddy-paws’ *kate yelps* digging her claws in rhythmically, with her deep bass purr the underlying melody. Bothersome feline.

Don’t you find it amazing that you and I, dear reader, are in the same second? That everyone earth is in the same instant? That teachers, that terrorists, that clowns, that dying children, that priests, that a laughing man are all in the same moment? Don’t you find it humbling? That two people on opposite poles of this earth can gaze at the moon and wonder why?
“My, my, my it’s a beautiful world…I like swimming in the sea…I like to go out beyond the white breakers…where a man can still be free (or a woman if you are one)” Funny song. Lovely song. Simple and poignant.

I should probably recount the day…because it was a good day…a lot of laughter. But, I feel as though if I do, I will be taking away something from those moments that made them so unique- that extracting them from memory and converting to words will somehow not do them justice- I don’t have the skill to paint such moments.

Sheesh, Kate. Quit trying to be deep.

I shall leave you with one word.


QUOTE OF THE DAY: (coldplay- spies)
"Did I drive you away?
I know what you’ll say,
You say, “Oh, sing one we know,”
But I promise you this,
I’ll always look out for you,
That’s what I’ll do."

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