Paroxysm of giggles

I had the strangest sensation last night. After my parents had adjourned to the other room to watch ‘the Bill’ (Kate wrinkles nose) I accidentally knocked over my mum’s wine glass. I mopped up the spillage with a tissue, then, out of curiosity, smelled the wine’s scent. It was so dang strong it made me feel a little woozy (don’t you love that word, woozy? Especially when one says it in an English accent!) Anyway I deposited it in the rubbish, when walking back to the couch I started laughing. FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER. A paroxysm of giggles just hit me from out of the blue - I had to lie down on the settee because I laughed so hard.
What do you think, Kate? A sign of madness?
Oh definitely old chap. No doubt about it. You now hold the title of a professional nutcase.

Did you know it hailed yesterday? I could hardly believe it. I mean…it’s spring for Pete’s sake. You know, whenever something like this happens- where nature takes an unexpected turn my mind jumps immediately to global warming. Am I being paranoid? Was I brainwashed by all the hype that is being bombarded from the media? Is it possible that all the devastating fires, cyclones, storms, droughts, floods are all a direct result of climate change? Or am I just blaming them on climate change because it provides a reason for the tragedy? Ho hum.

To keep you updated- Miss Fork rejected Mr Knife because he was having an affair with that naughty Miss Teaspoon.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: (Matchbox 20- let’s see how far we’ve come)
“Started crying and I couldn’t stop myself
I started running but there’s nowhere to run to
I sat down on the street and took a look at myself
Said where you going you know the world is heading for hell
Say your goodbyes if you got someone you can say goodbye to

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