so yesterday i walked with my sister into claremont to go to the library. Strange expedition in itself, but the curious nature of the excursion is heightened when one learns that there is a library about a street away from us. ah well.
I got out these two art books with a wide variety of renowned artists and works within. I flicked through one (only bothering to look at the pictures and not the useful notes beneath) and then started on the other. In the middle of my nonchalant page-turning, i paused at one particular piece. I had seen it in the other book, a work by Gentileschi (i do not know the name...i am currently copying it from the book) entitled "Judith and Holferners". It is an especially benign picture, delightful to set one's eyes upon. Involving two broads sticking a sword through a reclining man's throat [blood included]. As i studied it in detail, i resolved myself on the issue that something did not look right. Technically, i mean, not morally. I referred to the identical copy in the other volume, and my suspicions were confirmed. The two pieces were mirror images of each other. *gasp* ONE WAS PRINTED WRONG. ONE IS AN INACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF SAID MASTERPIECE. "horror, horror, horror" I was able to identify the problemo, cause i recalled the direction in which the fountain of blood was spurting.
k, i've been reading the most interesting book lately, called "The Social Animal."
It is by this famous social analyst, Elliot Aronson. Usually i'm the sort of person, when reading non-fiction, makes it through the first couple of sentences, then my braincells begin to cavort together/dance the macarina/entertain the concept that animals are able to understand humans and that they are the superrace and we are their servant [not so hard to imagine when you've got cats]. But, he is actually interesting! More than that, he is absolutely captivating! ah...i would give examples...but i can't be stuffed at the moment. I shall keep you on your toes (self-directed scoff) until a later date.
Sometimes i find myself thinking i wish something really big would happen to me- during those moments i don't even really care if it's good or bad (ie. getting kidnapped and brutally beaten vs. winning the lotto). Not to get pity or attention or anything like that for the first, please believe...ayaa, attention is more petrifying than the kidnapper. Nah, it's cause i feel i need something to jerk me out of this torpid reverie of waking up, doing this and that, then going to sleep. With no real purpose or plan to guide my days, no idea what's going to happen the next minute or in the next ten years. Like, i feel if i keep going like this, i will find myself moribund on the creaky bed, i will think of my life, and suddenly realise that i haven't made a difference. I haven't made a ripple. I haven't done a single thing that i can treasure with a hint of pride as i drift away.
but that ain't gonna happen. Is it ya great lazy sod, armadillo? sheesh.
if you're wondering where all this is coming from, it's partly due to the fact that, as soon as my dad gets home from work, he says to me two things. One: 'what have u done today?' and i don't have an answer; Two: '(in a disapproving tone) and how many days left have u got til school?
At which point i scurry from the room in a weak attempt to scurry from the already imparted sentence that continues to swim in my mind until i heave it away by devoting my attention brainlessly to windows media player.
hmm. just browsing blogs at the moment. >>
"I love the relationship that anyone has with music: because there’s something in us that is beyond the reach of words, something that eludes and defies our best attempts to spit it out. It’s the best part of us, probably, the richest and strangest part...." -Nick Hornby, Songbook -
QUOTES OF THE DAY: (answering machines)
Hi. This is John: If you are the phone company, I already sent the money. If you are my parents, please send money. If you are my financial aid institution, you didn't lend me enough money. If you are my friends, you owe me money. If you are a female, don't worry, I have plenty of money.
As the drugs take hold, you feel you are losing your grip on reality. You begin to hallucinate. You see a telephone... The telephone is next to an answering machine... You hear a faint click and a light flashes on the answering machine... You hear a beep...
Heaven, God speaking...
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