Guilty of SIN!!!

I just got back from community service @ a church place in floreat, putting out tables n chairs n such. For every second, i could almost sense their *religious feelers* attuned to my every move, as though they could see through my helpful facade and were frantically signalling to eachother behind my back "SHE'S ONE OF THEM! SHE'S AN ATHEIST!!" It did feel kind of, i dunno...deceitful? ah well. That's one and a half hours left of cruel backbreaking labour (hah) This sudden thought hit me when i was unstacking a chair, that i had to grin in self-amusement. It was: I was being very christian. get it? no...no it's lame. i know.
Omg...there was this guy there...and he was like AN ASIAN ADAM DURITZ! sweet. Graduated in 2000 though...yes, i was eavesdropping.
In fact, they were all about 20 years old- it was so obvious they found our presence irksome- and just wanted to hang out by themselves without toddlers bustling around them. Uncomfortable on both parts.
Why does such a large portion of life have to spent being uncomfortable? Or is that just me? hmm.
Well, i'm going back there tonight for a quiz with Alex...it suddenly occurred to me that because nobody specified what we are going to be quizzed on, and the fact that it's a holy house ...oh dear. It will probably be a questionairre on Jesus or the bible. Oh carnivorous cranberry.

QUESTION: "who were Jesus' first disciples?'
KATE: ooh! i know! pick me! It was David and Goliath, weren't it?
Maybe i should have paid more attention in RE.
No i prefer drawing turds and stuff with Sam. Hahhah [not trying to be offensive here. This is pure fact.]

the pic in the last blog was the new CD cover for Counting Crow's album coming out in March, entitled "saturday nights, sunday mornings". Here is what he has to say about it.

"[it's] about dissolution and disintegration. it's about when saturday night happens and you lose all sense of yourself. and it’s about when you wake up sunday morning and look back at the wreck you’ve made of your life and you think, 'how can i possibly fix this? how can i ever climb out of this hole?' and then you start to try and climb."

QUOTE OF THE DAY: (Colorblind-- i think u can guess who...this is my new fave song]

I am colorblind
Coffee black and egg white
Pull me out from inside
I am ready, I am ready, I am ready
I am..taffy stuck and tongue tied
Stutter shook and uptight
Pull me out from inside
I am ready, I am ready, I am ready,
I am fine

I am covered in skin
No one gets to come in
Pull me out from inside
I am folded and unfolded and unfolding
I am colorblind
Coffee black and egg white
Pull me out from inside
I am ready, I am ready, I am ready
I am fine

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