Happy Bday Bean

Happy Birthday Rowan Atkinson!!! (aka...Bean)

He's one funny dude. I watched Blackadder for the first time at Ellen's place and i can't believe i haven't had the sense to hire it out before or something. Hilarous!

I kind of feel sorry for him; i mean, he's always going to have this label attached to him, won't he? As the endearingly idiotic man who can pull funny faces. I mean, he's a Harvard man or something isn't he? Or, at least, he went to an extremely prodigious university. I know that. But it might be hard to be taken seriously.
(atkinson is taking a lecture at a university in front of a mass of students)
ATKINSON: Through the careful examination of Kekules Theory of Organic Compounds, we are able to ascertain that carbon is tetravalent and is capable of...yes, Timothy? What is it?
TIMOTHY: hey! um, Bean, could ya do one of your faces?
ATKINSON: Timothy, that is hardly relevant to organic mol-
[a general protesting throughout the auditorium]
ALL: oh, come on Beanie! Let's see that one from episode two!
[Atkinson pauses; looking despairingly around the students, wondering if they have taken even on iota of his lecture in. Relents.]
ATKINSON: oh, all right.
[cheers as he pulls one of his famed expressions]

sigh. It's like he won't be able to be received as a person; but a make-believe character. Of course, this is all just hypothesizing. I might be way off. i don't know.

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